A story aimed at enhancing the uniqueness and individual nuances of our people, in every unrepeatable detail.
The importance of human relationships.
#Details is a project that engages our employees with the aim of narrating the uniqueness
of individuals, commencing with the small details that set them apart.
At Liu Jo, we spotlight individual experiences and diverse distinctive features, encouraging a form of professionalism that revolves around human relationships and the infinite riches they are able to offer.

A first-person recount.
#Details is a first-person narrative; a journey through the colours of our partners and a spontaneous recount. We have shone a light on their ability to come closer, focus their gaze, pay attention, listen and touch.
Small gestures that permeate our day-to-day lives, which we wanted to capture so as to narrate our reality and commitment to continue contributing to the progress of our brand, which is perpetually evolving and transforming, whilst remaining true to its traditional values and chameleonic identity.

Liu Jo: where the Details make the difference.
Attention to diverse distinctive features – imbued with truly unique nuances – is what allows us to value our people in an authentic and genuine way, as faithful as possible to their most intimate personalities.
This is what characterises relationships at Liu Jo, and creates a kind of big family for all the people who live and work with us.